Some papers from the MONICA-C3 research group
Colucci R.R., Luetscher M., Forte E., Guglielmin M., Lenza D., Princivalle F., Vita F., (2017) First alpine evidence of in situ coarse cryogenic cave carbonates (CCCcoarse). Geografia Fisica & Dinamica Quaternaria, 40(1) 53-59
Colucci R.R., Torma C., Giorgi F. (2017) Unprecedented heat wave in December 2015 and potential for winter glacier ablation in the eastern Alps. Scientific Reports - Nature
doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07415-1
Kozamernik E., Colucci R.R., Stepišnik U., Forte E., Žebre M. (in press) Spatial and climatic characterization of three glacial stages in the Upper Krnica Valley, SE European Alps. Quaternary Intarnational
doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.05.047
Colucci R.R., Žebre M.(2016) Late Holocene evolution of glaciers in the southeastern Alps Journal of Maps
doi: 10.1080/17445647.2016.1203216
Zhao W., Forte E., Colucci R.R., Pipan M. (2016) High-resolution glacier imaging and characterization by means of GPR attribute analysis Geophysical Journal International, 206: 1366-1374
Colucci R.R., Fontana D., Forte E., Potleca M., Guglielmin M. (2016). Response of ice caves to weather extremes in the southeastern Alps, Europe. Geomorphology, 261: 1-11
doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.02.017
Colucci R.R., Guglielmin M. (2015) Precipitation-temperature changes and evolution of a small glacier in the southeastern European Alps during the last 90 years. International Journal of Climatology, 35:10 2783-2797 - OPEN ACCESS -
Forte E., Dossi M., Pipan M., Colucci R.R. (2014) Velocity analysis from Common Offset GPR data inversion: theory and application on synthetic and real data. Geophysical Journal International 197 (3): 1471-1483
Forte E., Dossi M., Colucci R.R., Pipan M. (2013) A new fast methodology to estimate the density of frozen materials by means of common offset GPR data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 99: 135-145
Abstract, extended abstracts, posters, scientific reports and proceedings
Bertozzi B., Di Sabatino S., Pulvirenti B., Colucci R.R. (2017) Understanding ice cave microclimate through thermo-fluid dynamics approaches: a case study from the southeastern Alps. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts Vol. 14, EMS2017-111, 2017 (EMS&ECAC 2016). European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Dublin, Ireland 4-8 Sep. 2017 (oral presentation)
Colucci R.R., Barbante C., Bertò ., Dreossi G., Festi D., Forte E., Gabrieli J., Guglielmin M., Lenaz D., Luetscher M., Maggi V., Princivalle F., Schwikowski M., Stenni B., Žebre M. (2017) Ice cores and calcite precipitates from alpine ice caves as useful proxies in paleoclimate reconstructions. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-4464, 2017. EGU General Assembly 2017 (poster). http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2017/EGU2017-17181-3.pdf
Colucci R.R., Giorgi F., Torma C. (2016).December 2015: Unprecedented climatic conditions in the Eastern Alps. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts Vol. 13, EMS2016-XXX, 2016 (EMS&ECAC 2016). European Conference on Applied Climatology, Trieste, Italy 12-16 Sep. 2016 (oral presentation)
Colucci R.R., Bertozzi B., Fontana D., Forte E., Potleca M., Guglielmin M. (Accepted). Abrupt decay of underground cryosphere driven by increasing extreme weather events in the Southeastern European Alps. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts Vol. 13, EMS2016-313, 2016 (EMS&ECAC 2016). European Conference on Applied Climatology. Trieste, Italy 12-16 Sep. 2016 (Poster + Oral presentation)
Colucci R.R., Fontana D., Forte E., Potleca M., Guglielmin M. (2016). The new inventory of ice caves in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) add to over 2500 ice caves in the southeastern Alps, Europe. 7th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC VII). Postojna 16-22 May 2016 (Poster)
Colucci R.R., Forte E., Maggi V., Stenni B., Barbante C., Bertò M., Dreossi G., Filipazzi M, Gabrieli J., Hoffmann H, Lenaz D (2016). The Vasto ice cave in the south-eastern Alps, Europe: preliminary results from an ice core analysis . 7th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC VII). Postojna 16-22 May 2016 (Poster)
Colucci R.R., Fontana D., Forte E., Potleca M., Guglielmin M. (2016). Ice cave mass balance response to increasing extreme weather events. 7th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC VII). Postojna 16-22 May 2016 (Poster)
Dossi M., Forte E., Colucci R.R., Pipan M., Bortoletto A.(2016). Automated reflection picking and inversion: applications to ground and airborne GPR surveys. 16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar - ICGPR 2016 (Honk Kong 12-16 June, 2016) (Peer reviewed Ext.Abstr.)
V. Maggi, M. Moretti, M. de Amicis, G. Leonelli, F. Valle, L. Castellano, A. Provenzale, C. Ravazzi, R. Pini, M. Potenza, F. Cavaliere, R. Colucci, C. Mayer, E. Vuillermoz (2015) Project of Strategic Interest NEXTDATA. Delivrables D1.4.4, D1.4.5, D1.4.6, D1.4.7, D1.4.10 a, b, c
Colucci R.R., Forte E., Triglav C.M., Basso Bondini M., Colle Fontana M., Del Gobbo C., Fontana D., Pierobon S., Zorn M. (2014) Present state of the cryosphere in the italian and slovenian southeastern Alps. International Symposium CGI. The Future of the Glaciers, from the past to the next 100 years Turin, Italy. 18th-21st September 2014 (Abstract proceedings and oral presentation)
Fontana D., Forte E., Colucci R.R. (2014) Characterization of two permanent ice cave deposits in the southeastern italian Alps by means of ground penetrating radar (GPR). International Symposium CGI. The Future of the Glaciers, from the past to the next 100 years Turin, Italy. 18th-21st September 2014 (Abstract proceedings and Poster)
Colucci R.R., Fontana D., Forte E. (2014) Characterization of two permanent ice cave deposits in the southeastern Alps (Italy) by means of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). VI International Workshop on Ice Caves. Idaho Falls, USA. Paper proceedings (peer reviewed), 8pp.
Forte E., Colucci R.R., Basso Bondini M., Belligoi D., Colle Fontana M., Del Gobbo C., Filippazzi M., Fontana D., Maggi V., Stenni B. (2014) The MONICA (MONitoring of Ice within Caves) project: A multidisciplinary approach for the geophysical and paleoclimatic characterization of permanent ice deposits in the Southeastern Alps (Italy). VI International Workshop on Ice Caves. Idaho Falls, USA. Extended Abstract proceedings (peer reviewed)
V. Maggi, M. Moretti, M. de Amicis, C. Ravazzi, R. Pini, L. Castellano, M. Potenza, F. Cavaliere, R. Colucci, C. Mayer, A. Lambrecht, D. Bernasconi, L. Bonetti, C. Smiraglia, G. Diolaiuti (2014) Project of Strategic Interest NEXTDATA. Scientific Report for the reference period 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2013 WP 1.4 Environment and climate data from non-polar ice cores.
Colucci R.R. (2014) Current evidence of glaciation in the Julian Alps. Proceedings of the II PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, Trieste 19-23 May, 2014. 15-17, ISBN 978-88-902101-4-3
Colucci R.R., Forte E., Guglielmin M. (2012) Underground cryosphere in the Monte Canin Massif, Alpi Giulie (Italy). 5th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC-V). Barzio (LC) September 16-23, 2012 (proceedings, and oral presentation)
Colucci R.R., Bearzot F., Finocchiaro F., Forte E., Guglielmin M., Potleca M. (2012) First surveys in an ice cave of Monte Canin massif, Alpi Giulie (Italy). 5th International Workshop on Ice Caves (IWIC-V). Barzio (LC) September 16-23, 2012 (proceedings and poster)
Colucci R.R., Finocchiaro F., Forte E., Potleca M., Guglielmin M. (2012) Rock, ice and air temperature monitoring in a mountain karstic cave interested by permanent ice deposits (Prealpi Giulie - Friuli Venezia Giulia). IV Convegno Nazionale AIGEO, Palermo 2-5 ottobre 2012. (Poster)
Colucci R.R. (2012). New weather station on Monte Canin. Progressione n. 58, Settembre 2012 anno XXXII, n.1-2 (gen-dic 2011) pag. 162.
Colucci R.R. (2011) The cryosphere of Friuli Venezia Giulia: modern and relict evidence. Proceedings of the 4th national meeting of young geomorphologists. 28-30 September, 2011- ISBN 978-88-9047083-7. pagg.58-60
Colucci R.R., Finocchiaro F., Forte e., Guglielmin M., Moro D. (2011) – The Cryosphere in the Julian Alps (FVG-Italy), the case study of Monte Canin Massif. Geoitalia 2011, VIII forum italiano di Scienze della Terra.(Poster)
Interviews on TV, radio, newspaper, etc.
Colucci R.R., Forte E., Maggi W. (2014) Quanto ghiaccio è passato. Report after the extraction of the longest ice core from an ice cave ever drilled in the italian Alps. Journalist Jacopo Pasotti, photo by Fabrizio Giraldi. Weekly Magazine “l’Espresso di Repubblica”, February 6, 2014.
Colucci R.R. (2014) Inside Italy’s time machine. Journalist Duncan Geere, photo by Fabrizio Giraldi. Monthly Magazine “Wired UK”, February 2014