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on-line the new C3 paper - OPEN ACCESS

Just published on-line and freely downloadable from the web site of the Italian Glaciological Committee (CGI) our recent paper "First Alpine evidence of in-situ Coarse Cryogenic Cave Carbonate (CCCcoarse)"

A layer of coarse cryogenic cave carbonate (CCCcoarse) is documented within a subsurface ice outcrop (in-situ) in a cave of the Julian Alps (southeastern Alps). This original finding, representing the first alpine evidence of in-situ CCCcoarse and the first occurrence from the southern side of the Alps, provides a unique opportunity to better understand the processes associated with the formation of CCCcoarse with respect to the cave ice mass balance. Here, we discuss first considerations on the shape and characteristics of CCCcoarse samples and their potential for palaeoclimate reconstructions in the southern Alps. In the light of accelerated climate change, we emphasize the need for scientific actions to exploit the available physical, chemical, isotopic and biological records from still untapped and fragile cryospheric archives such as ice caves.

Here the direct link to the original PDF

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