International workshop on ice caves
The C3project team is ready to spend 1 week in Potes, Cantabria mountains in the Picos de Europa (Spain), to attend the 8th IWIC. Renato R. Colucci (CNR) and Beatrice Pulvirenti (University of Bologna) will be presenting 3 oral communications and 1 poster on behalf of all the research staff and students taking part to the C3 team.

Renato R. Colucci (C3 scientific leader) will present an oral communication scheduled on Tuesday 12th at 9.20 titled "On issues related to dating techniques in ice caves" presenting a case study from the Leupa ice cave in the Canin massif after the recent finding of a layer of Cryogenic Cave Crystals in-situ. Co-authors of this communication are Marc Luetscher (Swiss Institute of Harst Studies), Daniela Festi and Gina Moseley (Innsbruck University), Margit Schwikowski (PSI laboratory, Swiss) and Lawrence Edwards (Minnesota University).
Wednesday 13th at 9.40 Renato R. Colucci will be presenting the commication titled "Intercepting permafrost degradation in an alpine ice cave" having as co-author Prof. Mauro Guglielmin from Insubria University.
Immediately after at 10.00 Beatrice Pulvirenti (University of Bologna) will be presenting another oral communication titled "Understanding heat exchange phenomenon within ice caves through CFD approaches: a case study from the southeastern Alps; co-authors Barbara Bertozzi and Prof. Silvana Di Sabatino (University of Bologna) and Renato R. Colucci (CNR).
In the poster session of wednesday 13th the Poster "Ice cave mass balance monitoring by using ground based SfM" will be exposed for the all week thanks to the observations made by Andrea Securo (student at the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste)in preparation of his bechelordiploma thesis tutored by Simone Pillon, Davide Martinucci and Renato R. Colucci.

The workshop on Ice Caves is a nice opportunity for the exchange of ideas and advances in research on ice caves. The objective is to establish contacts and links between researchers during the IWIC, examining the state of the art, the applied techniques to investigate on ice caves and relevant case studies, with special emphasis on promoting international cooperation. It is the ideal setting for the exchange of experiences and the presentation of results about the regional or thematic knowledge. During the workshop, the scientific sessions alternate with visits to ice caves in Picos de Europa and karst environments in the coastal and the Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. The workshop is sponsored by the Glacier, Firn and Ice Caves Commission of the International Union of Speleology (UIS). For fourteen years the workshop is held every two years, and previously has been celebrated in Cluj-Napoca (Romania, 2004), Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia, 2006), Russia (2008), Obertraum (Austria, 2010), Grigna-Milan (Italy, 2012), Idaho Falls (USA) and Postojna (Slovenia, 2016)
The final program with all the talks and activities is available at this link