The 8th IWIC is just ended and we have to admit it was a really unique edition. Enrique Serrano and his team have done a really amazing job in organizing the oral and poster sessions, the fieldtrips in amazing coastal and mountain karstic landscapes as well as the end-of-the-workshop dinner in a beautiful restaurant.
But beside this the workshop has been a great opportunity for new scientific advancing in many topics related to ice caves studies especially in regards to new classifications in the cryogenic cave carbonates made by the Innsbruck University.
The C3 team after presenting what has been done in the last 2 years after the Postojna IWIC-2016, had the opportunity to strengthen old cooperations and to set new possible working groups to be developed in the next future
We also presented a preview of the C3 documentary just set thanks to MS productions... but this will be soon officially presented in Italy, therefore keep updated through these pages.
Have a look to a brief photo gallery of the IWIC VIII