At present I'm Responsible for the following facilities:
The Climatological Karstic Observatory of Borgo Grotta Gigante (Trieste, Italy) in operation since 1967, and managed by the Società Alpina delle Giulie (CAI) and since 2024 part of ROSMI-Rete degli Osservatori Storici Meteorologici Italiani
The Alpi Giulie Meteo-Lab initiative, promoted and realized in the frame of the Società Meteorologica Alpino-Adriatica and at present equipped with 5 weather stations: the Automatic Weather Station Canin2203 (2203 m) and the near real time weather stations of Sella Nevea, Rifugio Gilberti (1864 m) , Conca Prevala (1788 m) and Canin Basso - Mali Kanin (2571 m)
Previously (2002-2020), I've been in charge as Responsible of the meteomarine network at CNR-ISMAR Trieste.