Active Projects
LOGS - Local Glaciers Sisimiut (Greenland)
Principal investigator and project coordinator
In cooperation with the Greenland Winter Warning Association-GWWA, the Arctic DTU of the Greenland Research Council (DK), the Department of Geosciences of Fribourg University (CH), the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Programme-GEM, and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland-GEUS
The project aims at increasing data coverage of local and peripheral glaciers (i.e. disconnected from the Greenland Ice Sheet), particularly in the Aqqutikisoq-Sisimiut area. This will be done especially to constrain the past and future evolution of the cryosphere in this area, under projected global warming scenario, answering to the following:
i) how many LGs are likely to vanish by the end of the 21st century under different climate forcing scenarios or eventually already lie below the envELA and are therefore projected to quickly disappear (next 1-3 decades)?
ii) what is the projected envELA rise in the Sisimiut area under different climate-forcing scenarios?
iii) how much of the late Holocene/little ice age (LIA) area and volume of glaciers remains today in the Sisimiut area and how much the ELA of LG in the Sisimiut area raised since the LIA?
The project has also the ambition to create the basis for a new glacier monitoring site on the west coast of Greenland, very close to the K-transect, filling the existing gap from Nuuk to Disko Island.

CRYO-KARST - Cryosphere in the Karstic environments of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Principal investigator and project coordinator
Funded by the Servizio Geologico del FVG - Regione FVG
--> Press release
In cooperation with the Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie, the Società Meteorologica Alpino-Adriatica, and all the speleological groups of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Alpine ice caves are natural caves formed in bedrock, containing perennial accumulations of water in its solid phase. Since their main characteristic is to have ground ice older than 2 years, many authors are prone to consider ice caves as sporadic permafrost phenomena.
Among the primary objectives of the project there are: 1) the development of survey techniques in underground glacial environments; 2) the implementation of the regional speleological inventory through the revision of the existing one; 3) the realization of a survey protocol to be used in future surveys; 4) the monitoring and study of the climate-cryosphere interactions in the underground glacial environments of the Monte Canin "pilot" area (climate, paleoclimate, geomorphology and permafrost evolution); 5) the development and testing of SfM.MVS techniques for the execution of three-dimensional surveys and the evolution of deposits over time.