I've always been attracted by mountain glaciers, primarily by climatic conditions leading to glacier existence. It is so amazing to try to imagine how the landscape can change during phases when the ELA is depressed by the combination of Mean Annual Air Temperature and Mean Annual Precipitation good enough for a glacier to form and eventually advance.
My topic, at present, is related to the study of small glaciers and ice patches in maritime areas of the Alps with very high Mean Annual Precipitation. I'm really much interested in the evolution of such ice masses during and after the Little Ice Age, as well as during the Holocene.
Besides this, I'm also studying the existing relationships between the action of permanent or semi-permanent snow and ice masses and the geomorphic evolution of the landscape.
In the last years I'm working on peripheral glaciers in Greenland, namely those glaciers disconnected from the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Trasversal crevasses over the Forni glacier, Italy - photo RRC

Oberaletschhutte, Oberland (CH) in 1890