Peer Reviewed
Bonaldo D., Carniel S., Colucci R.R., Denamiel C., Prani´ P., Raicich F., Ricchi A., Sangelantoni L., Vilibi´ I., and Vitelletti M.L. (accepted, 2025) AdrieE: a high-resolution ocean model ensemble for the Adriatic Sea under severe climate change conditions. Ocean Science
Ribolini A., Forte E., Khajuria V., Colucci R.R., Paro L., Guglielmin M., (2025) Scratching beneath the surface: using Ground-Penetrating Radar to disentangle pronival ramparts, embryonic rock glaciers and moraines (Gardetta Plateau, Southwestern Alps) Geomorphology 474, 109647
Securo A., Del Gobbo C., Baccolo G., Barbante C., Citterio M., De Blasi F., Marcer M., Valt M., and Colucci R.R. (accepted, 2025) The Glaciers of the Dolomites: last 40 years of melting The Cryosphere
Securo A., Del Gobbo C., Citterio M., Machguth H., Marcer M., Korsgard N., Colucci R.R. (2024 on-line) Area, volume and ELA changes of West Greenland local glaciers and ice caps from 1985-2020 Journal of Glaciology
Le Roy M., Ivy-Ochs S., Nicolussi K., Monegato G., Reitner J.M., Colucci R.R., Ribolini A., Spagnolo M., Stoffel M. (2024) European Glacial Landscapes, The Holocene; Chapter 20 - Holocene glacier variations in the Alps. Pages 367-418
Securo A., Del Gobbo C., Rettig L., Pillon S., De Luca A., Fontana D., Benedetti Fasil E., Colucci R.R. (2024) A glacier in transition: Surface elevation change, ELA and geomorphic evolution of a very small glacier in the Dolomites (S-E Alps) Geomorphology 144, 108956
Del Gobbo C., Colucci R.R., Monegato G., Žebre, Giorgi F. (2023) Atmosphere-cryosphere interactions during the last phase of the LGM (21 ka BP) in the European Alps. Climate of the Past 19, 9: 1805–1823
Securo A., Del Gobbo C., Colucci R.R. (2022) Multi-year evolution of 75 snow and ice deposits in Schachtdolines and Shafts of recently deglaciated karst terrain: Observations from Mount Canin-Kanin, Julian Alps, Europe Geomorphology 417, 108434
Securo A., Pillon S., Martinucci D., Colucci R.R. (2022) Long term mass balance monitoring and evolution of ice in caves through Structure from Motion – Multi View Stereo and Ground Penetrating Radar techniques Progress in Physical geography (first online Jan 7th, 2022)
Rettig L., Monegato G., Mozzi P., Žebre M., Casetta L., Fernetti M., Colucci R.R. (2021) The pleistocene evolution and reconstruction of LGM and late glacial paleoglaciers of the Silisia Valley and Mount Raut (Carnic Prealps, NE Italy) Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternay 34(2), 277-290
Forte E., Santin I., Ponti S., Colucci R.R., Gutgesell P., Guglielmin M. (2021) New insights in glaciers characterization by differential diagnosis integrating GPR and remote sensing techniques: A case study for the Eastern Gran Zebrù glacier Remote Sensing of the Environment 267, 112715
Žebre M.,Sarikaya M. Akif, StepiŠnik U, Colucci R.R., Yildirim C. Çiner A., Candas A., VlahoviĆ Ş., TomljenoviĆ B., MatoŠ B., Wilcken K.M. (2021) An early glacial maximum during the last glacial cycle on the northern Velebit Mt. (Croatia) Geomorphology 392, 107918!
Raicich F., Colucci R.R. (2021) A mean-sea-level pressure time series for Trieste, Italy (1841–2018) Earth System Science Data 13, 3363-3377.
Colucci R.R., Žebre M., Torma C.Z., Glasser N.F., Maset E., Del Gobbo C., Pillon S. (2021) Recent Increases in Winter Snowfall Provide Resilience to Very Small Glaciers in the Julian Alps, Europe. Atmosphere 12, 263.
Žebre M., Colucci R.R., Giorgi F., Glasser N.F., Racoviteanu A.E., Del Gobbo C. (2021) 200 years of Equilibrium-Line Altitude variability across the European Alps (1901−2100). Climate Dynamics
doi 10.1007/s00382-020-05525-7
First Mediterranean Assessment Report (2020). Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin Curretn Situation and Risks for the future 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report.
Forte E., Santin I., Colucci R.R., Dossi M., Guglielmin M., Pipan M., Roncoroni G., Žebre M. (2020) GPR data analysis for cold and warm ice detection and characterization in polythermal glaciers. 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar. Golden, Colorado, 14-19 June 2020
Petrini M., Colleoni F., Kirchner N., Hughes A.L.C., Camerlenghi A., Rebesco M., Lucchi R-G-. Forte E., Colucci R.R., Noormets R. (2020) Oceanic conditions driving the last deglaciation of the Barents Sea ice sheet: results from an ensemble of transient ice sheet model simulations. Quaternary Science Reviews. 238, 106314
Diolaiuti G.A., Azzoni R.S., D’Agata C., Maragno D:, Fugazza D., Vagliasindi M., Mortara G., Perotti L., Bondesan A., Carton A., Pecci M., Dinale R., Trenti A., Casarotto C., Colucci R.R., Cagnati A., Crepaz A., Smiraglia C. (2019) Present extent, features and regional distribution of Italian glaciers La Houille Blanche 5-6, 159-175
Santin I., Colucci R.R., Žebre M., Pavan M., Cagnati A., Forte E. (2019) Recent evolution of Marmolada glacier (Dolomites, Italy) by means of ground and airborne GPR surveys Remote Sensing of the Environment 235, 111442
Raicich F., Colucci R.R. (2019) A near-surface sea temperature time series from Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea (1899-2015) Earth System Science Data 11, 761-768
Colucci R.R., Guglielmin M. (2019, in press) Climate change and rapid ice melt; suggestions from abrupt permafrost degradation and ice melting in an alpine ice cave Progress in Physical Geography
Forte E., Basso Bondini M., Bortoletto A., Dossi M., Colucci R.R. (2019) Pros and cons in helicopter-borne GPR data acquisition on rugged mountainous areas: critical analysis and practical guidelines. Pure and Applied Geophysics
Boccali C., Žebre M., Colucci R.R. (2019) Geometry and paleo-ice content of rock glaciers in the southeastern Alps (NE Italy - NW Slovenia) Journal of Maps, 15-2: 346-355
Supplementary Material (1 Map)
Bertozzi B., Pulvirenti B., Colucci R.R., Di Sabatino S. (2019) On the interactions between airflow and ice melting in ice caves: A novel methodology based on computational fluid dynamics modeling Science of The Total Environment
Colucci R.R., Forte E., Žebre M., Maset E., Zanettini C., Guglielmin M. (2019) Is that a relict rock glacier? Geomorphology, 330: 177-189
M. Oliva, M. Žebre, M. Guglielmin, P.D. Hughes, A. Çiner, G. Vieira, X. Bodin, N. Andrés, R.R. Colucci, C. García-Hernández, C. Mora, J. Nofre, D. Palacios, A. Pérez-Alberti, A. Ribolini, J. Ruiz-Fernández, M.A. Sarıkaya (2018) Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation. Earth Science Reviews
Petrini M., Colleoni F., Kirchner N., Hughes L.C.A., Camerlenghi A., Rebesco M., Lucchi R.G., Forte E., Colucci R.R., Noormets R. (2018) Interplay of grounding-line dynamics and sub-shelf melting during the last retreat of Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream. Scientific Reports - Nature, 8: 7196
Kozamernik E., Colucci R.R., Stepišnik U., Forte E., Žebre M. (2018) Spatial and climatic characterization of three glacial stages in the Upper Krnica Valley, SE European Alps. Quaternary Intarnational, 470:A 67-81
doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.05.047
Colucci R.R., Luetscher M., Forte E., Guglielmin M., Lenza D., Princivalle F., Vita F., (2017) First alpine evidence of in situ coarse cryogenic cave carbonates (CCCcoarse). Geografia Fisica & Dinamica Quaternaria, 40(1) 53-59
Colucci R.R., Torma C., Giorgi F. (2017) Unprecedented heat wave in December 2015 and potential for winter glacier ablation in the eastern Alps. Scientific Reports - Nature, 7:7090
doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07415-1
Colucci R.R., Žebre M.(2016) Late Holocene evolution of glaciers in the southeastern Alps Journal of Maps, 12: 289-299
doi: 10.1080/17445647.2016.1203216
Del Gobbo C., Colucci R.R., Forte E., Triglav Čekada M., Zorn M. (2016) The Triglav Glacier (South-Eastern Alps, Slovenia): Volume Estimation, Internal Characterization and 2000–2013 Temporal Evolution by Means of Ground Penetrating Radar Measurements. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173-8: 2753-2766
Colucci R.R., Boccali C., Žebre M., Guglielmin M. (2016) Rock glaciers, protalus ramparts and pronival ramparts in the south-eastern Alps. Geomorphology, 269: 112-121
doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.06.039
Zhao W., Forte E., Colucci R.R., Pipan M. (2016) High-resolution glacier imaging and characterization by means of GPR attribute analysis Geophysical Journal International, 206: 1366-1374
Colucci R.R., Fontana D., Forte E., Potleca M., Guglielmin M. (2016). Response of ice caves to weather extremes in the southeastern Alps, Europe. Geomorphology, 261: 1-11
Colucci R.R. (2016). Geomorphic influence on small glacier response to post Little Ice Age climate warming: Julian Alps, Europe. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41: 1227-1240
Žebre M., Stepisnik U., Colucci R.R., Forte E., Monegato G. (2016). Evolution of a karst polje influenced by glaciation: the Gomance piedmont polje (northern Dinaric Alps). Geomorphology, 257: 143-154
Colucci R.R., Guglielmin M. (2015) Precipitation-temperature changes and evolution of a small glacier in the southeastern European Alps during the last 90 years. International Journal of Climatology, 35:10 2783-2797
Colucci R.R., Forte E., Boccali C., Dossi M., Lanza L., Pipan M., Guglielmin M. (2015) Evaluation of internal structure, volume and mass of glacial bodies by integrated LiDAR and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys: the case study of Canin Eastern Glacieret (Julian Alps, Italy). Surveys in Geophysics, 36:2 231-525
doi: 10.1007/s10712-014-9311-1
Colucci R.R., Monegato G., Žebre M. (2014). Glacial and proglacial deposits of the Resia Valley (NE Italy): new insights on the onset and decay of the last Alpine Glacial Maximum in the Julian Alps. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 27(2) 85-104
Triglav Čekada M., Zorn M., Colucci R.R. (2014) Area changes on Canin (Italy) and Triglav glaciers (Slovenia) from 1893 on based on archive imagery and Lidar. Geodetski vestnik, 58:2 257-277
Forte E., Dossi M., Pipan M., Colucci R.R. (2014) Velocity analysis from Common Offset GPR data inversion: theory and application on synthetic and real data. Geophysical Journal International 197 (3): 1471-1483
Forte E., Dossi M., Colucci R.R., Pipan M. (2013) A new fast methodology to estimate the density of frozen materials by means of common offset GPR data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 99: 135-145
doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2013.08.013
F. Raicich, V. Malačič, M. Celio, D. Giaiotti, C. Cantoni, R. R. Colucci, B. Čermelj, and A. Pucillo (2013) Extreme air-sea interactions in the Gulf of Trieste (North Adriatic) during the strong Bora event in winter 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans, 118, 5238–5250