The FROZEN cave, a potentially new study area
Finally we visited the recently found (2016) Frozen cave, intensively explored by a group of italian cavers, few of them from the Eugenio...

One more season & new data
Summer season 2018, indeed quite stormy in the southeastern Alps this year, is rapidly running and once the abundant snow of the last...

The 8th IWIC is just ended and we have to admit it was a really unique edition. Enrique Serrano and his team have done a really amazing...

International workshop on ice caves
The C3project team is ready to spend 1 week in Potes, Cantabria mountains in the Picos de Europa (Spain), to attend the 8th IWIC. Renato...

News from ice caves in US
Volume 79, Number 3 of the "Journal of Cave and Karst Studies" has just been posted online with a wonderful issue entirely dedicated to...

ICE CAVES - 1st Edition
The C3 project contributed to the realization of this huge work with the Chapter 19, dedicated to italian ice caves. 750 pages,...

on-line the new C3 paper - OPEN ACCESS
Just published on-line and freely downloadable from the web site of the Italian Glaciological Committee (CGI) our recent paper "First...

New exploration in the Canin area
We've been visiting another ice caves in the Canin area, as the C3 project is going on. We are actually searching for another suitable...

GPR survey in Paradana ice cave (Trnovski Gozd, Slovenia)
Few days ago we completed another goal of the C3project, the survey in the Paradana ice cave (namely Velika ledena jama v Paradani) The...

C3 project on Vanity Fair Italia
The C3project is on Vanity Fair Italia this week... ice caves of Canin share a bit of space in the fashion industry ;) Check the link at...